Thursday, August 12, 2010

Roll and Write

Today I had to I had to roll this cube, pick a story, then write the answers. I had to repeat 3 times.

Literature. Unit 1. Lesson 8. 8/12/10

Roll 1: When and where does the story take place? Provide two examples. “The Sword of Damocles”
There are no clues to where it takes place, other then the fact that it say the characters are in King Dionysius’s palace.

Roll 2: What important lesson does the character or characters learn? “As Rich as Croseus”
Croseus learns that being wealthy is not the same as being happy. He also learns that you can’t tell if you are happy or not until you die.

Roll 3: What part of the story did you find most interesting? Describe the part and tell why you thought it was the most interesting. “The Three Questions”
My favorite part was the beginning. Its amazing how so many people disagree on the same thing. For example, the first question, "When is the right time for every action?", some say to draw up a schedule of days, months, and years, and strictly stick to it. Others said to have a council of wise men. Still some said that you needed to know in advance when everything was going to happen. Only magicians knew this, so he needed to consult the magicians. Don't even get me started on the second question, "Who are the people most important to me?" So many answers. Some said the priests, some said the people, some said the administrators, still some said the warriors.

The Three Questions

Today I was asked to write a diary entry from the hermit from "The Three Questions" point of view. This is it.

Literature. Unit 1. Lesson 7. August 12, 2010

Dear diary,

Today a weird person came to me asking 3 questions: What is the right time for every action? Who are the people most important to me? And what is the most important pursuit? I didn’t tell him, as he’d learn more by experiencing the answer. He helped me dig that garden bed I’d been thinking about. Then a man came and said he wanted to kill my visitor. Talk about rude! If I wanted to kill somebody, I would a least say hello. Yes, he didn’t say hello.

Sadly, that to-be-murderer was bleeding to death. The guy he wanted dead healed his wounds, then went to sleep. The other guy also went to sleep. I was planting seeds in my newly created garden bed. You know, I’ll start calling them First Guy and Second Guy, ok?

When they woke up, Second Guy said “Forgive me,” First Guy said “You have nothing to forgive.” Didn’t hear the rest. Then First Guy came out of the hut and said to me “I have asked my questions. If you will not answer them, I will leave.” I told him the answers, that the most important time is now, the most important person is whom you are with, and the most important pursuit is to do good to him, as that is why he was brought into this life. First and Second Guys left, then I made dinner, then went to bed. I think I’ll plant petunias tomorrow.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Kids in the Woods

For the past 2 or 3 weeks I’ve been making tons of weekend trips to Big Lake. Why? It’s a program called Kids in the Woods. It’s an educational program to teach about the forest and things related to nature. We did many things in it Thursday to Saturday.

The first time we did it, we brought along my friend Josh Bell. Our study that day was on Earth Manners. Pretty much it taught us to be considerate to Planet Earth. We had to take a hike on the Big Lake Vistor Center Nature Trail. We enjoyed the hike a lot. We ate and went back home.

The next day we wanted to see the Native American dancers. When we got there, we were the only people other than the 2 rangers at the BLVC. They cancelled the 10 a.m. dance. Then we went to hike. When we came back for the 2 p.m. dance, the dancers didn’t show! My mom said to one of the rangers, Jay, “Start pluckin’ feathers and start dancing!”. We all laughed. Even I laughed, and I didn’t think it was funny!

We came back the next day for the speech on the Mexican Grey Wolf. Again, we were the only people there. Now, you may think the ranger was tutoring me on wolves. Guess again. I knew the answer to pretty much every question he asked. Not every question, but most. We joked around and he said I should do the speech.

We came back at 2 p.m. for Camping with Bears. The lady there taught us about bears. We played a little game where we have 6 people divided and placed in 3 hula-hoops. The hoops were habitats and we were the bears. She said we had to change habitats because a forest fire started. We then moved to a smaller habitat. We had to move AGAIN because a big building was being built smack-dab in our habitats. We moved from a small hoop to a smaller plate! There wasn’t enough room for 2 “bears” per habitat, so 1 bear from each habitat had to either “die” or moved to a very bad habitat. It was fun, but sad.

The next week we went to a game of Forest Frisbee. It was fun, but sadly, I got one of the highest scores, which isn’t good in Forest Frisbee. We went through 18 holes, and the guy who helped run the game was the “flag”, which meant he showed us were the goals were.

Afterwards we got prizes. While we were picking prizes I got to know a kid named Nick. He was a nice guy. I really liked him.

The next day we went to a program called Transformers of the Forest. We enjoyed it a lot. It was all about frogs and how frogs are like Transformers. We then went on a hike around Big Lake. When we came back, they were about to start a program on rocks. We learned about rocks, the Rock Cycle, made a model volcano erupt, and took a hike to find petrified wood. I was pretty much Bad Luck Ben. I couldn’t find one thing of petrified wood if my life depended on it.

You can probably see what the Kids in the Woods program is like, I hope. If you are in Eagar, you can see the Kids in the Woods program at the BLVC. It lasts May to August every year.
Hope you enjoyed!

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Getting Tough with the Colonists

After such incidents as the Boston Tea Party and the decision by the Continental Congress to begin a complete boycott of British goods, the British government decided to get tough with the rebellious colonists. In your opinion, was there a “good guy” and a “bad guy” in this situation? If so, which was which, and why.

Yes. The colonists were the good guys, and Britain the bad guys. The reason the colonists were the good guys is that they didn’t deserve to be taxed like that. They did nothing wrong!

The British were bad because they beefed up the taxes for no good reason! They were like legal robbers. They were stealing, yet they were never going to get punished by law. They were not being fair.

That is how I feel about things. The British were like the sheriff from that classic child’s story Robin Hood. He stole money from the poor so he could beef up his own budget. Again, that’s what Britain did.

Defending Taxes

When North American colonists protested at the taxes Britain was levying, Parliament replied that the colonists were still British subjects under British law, so they were subject to British taxation. Parliament said that it represented all British subjects, even the colonists across the Atlantic Ocean, who didn’t have representatives in Parliament. Using this information, imagine you are a member of the British Parliament and write a response to the colonists who are complaining about taxation with representation.

Dear Benyamin Soto

Calm yourself! For heavens sake, you are British subjects under British law, so stop your whining! This is what you deserve when you left Britain and left us with less workforce to sustain us. You brought this upon yourselves.

Oh, and those crops you give us, half of those end up rotten when they get here. And it’s all because of the fact you sail slower than you’re supposed to. You do not deserve to get representation. You have no hope of defeating our army, so you might as well live with the taxes.

If you continue to protest against our taxes, we will be forced to take action. Heed this warning, and no one will have to get hurt.


A Tax on Paper

In 1764 and 1765, Britain raised taxes in the colonies to beef up the British budget and to pay for an increased military presence in the colonies. The Stamp Act, for example, taxed all sorts of paper items, including legal documents, newspapers, pamphlets, marriage licenses, and even playing cards. Colonists didn’t appreciate these taxes and insisted that only the colonial legislatures could raise the colonies taxes. They argued that they should not suffer from British taxation without representation in British Parliament. Imagine you are one of these colonists. Write a letter to Parliament expressing your concern about the Stamp Act.

Dear Parliament,

I strongly oppose the Stamp Act. I demand you remove the burden from us for good.

Reasons: We have done nothing to have taxes raised in the New World. If you continue this raise, we will secede and form our own country. We also do not have representation in Parliament, as you think we are not important enough. We are people too, and we deserve representation in Parliament. We give you half of our crops, and what do we get? More taxes.We are having trouble getting by as it is, but if we have to deal with the Stamp Act, we will not even be able to actually BUY paper, and what good will that do you?

As I said, remove the taxes or we will be forced to take action.

Colonist Benyamin Soto

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Goods and Crops

According to theory of mercantilism maintained by British colonialists before the American Revolution, colonies existed solely for the economic benefit of the mother country. Why would it be beneficial for Britain to permit the selling of colonial goods and crops in Britain only, and not in any other countries? Do you think restricting the sale of goods and crops was a win-win situation for Britain and the colonies? Explain.

Yes, I do believe it was a win-win situation because Britain got all the goods they wanted without having to share them, and for the colonies because if they got paid for them, and that they used British currency, and that there wasn’t a way to change money, that they actually got money they could use!

The United States of France

When Britain controlled the colonies, France tried several times to take over North America. Imagine what North America might be like today if France had succeeded. What would we eat, wear, do for fun? What would we believe?

We would probably eat French foods like ratatouille, shrimp in French sauce, etc. We would wear (in the summer) tight shorts, tennis shoes, and t-shirts. In the winter, we would wear the same clothes we usually wear in the winter. We would probably bike, race, or do some other type of outdoor activity for our main source of fun. We would probably be (using the results of a French poll) either Catholic or atheist.

Everyday Heroes

How do you define hero? Do you think fame is an important component of heroism, or do you think most heroes are unknown? Is there anyone you know personally whom you consider a hero?

To me, a hero is some one who helps people on a some-what regular basis. Fame is NOT a important component of heroism. Take my dad: He’s a hero, but he hasn’t even been an extra in a commercial!

My dad is a hero because he helps stop wildfire and burns forests to help prevent wildfires. He saves many lives that way, and not just human lives.

Like Hemingway

Read the following passage from Ernest Hemingway’s novel The Sun Also Rises. In it, Hemingway conveys gloominess and dread by describing the weather.

“In the morning it was raining. A fog had come over the mountains from the sea. You could not see the tops of the mountains. The plateau was dull and gloomy, and the shapes of the trees and the houses were changed. I walked out beyond town to look at the weather. The bad weather was coming over the mountains from the sea.”

Write a passage that conveys a mood by describing the weather.

The mood I plan to convey is joy. Here goes:

I sat at my desk, and looked out the window. It was a very sunny day, with only one cloud in the sky. The morning dew evaporated, and all that was left was a few drops of water on my window. The only cloud that was there blocked out the southern mountains, making it seem like a storm was coming. That very same cloud seemed to dance in the wind happily.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Fire and Brimstone

A religious revival called the Great Awakening swept across the colonies in the 1730s and 1740s, taking the colonists by storm. With their “hellfire and brimstone” sermons, preachers ignited scores of followers. Some of whom tried to convert the Native Americans and the slaves.. A divide separated the older, more traditional clergy and the people who participated in the Great Awakening. The traditionalists were taken aback by the new methods of preaching and by the passionate responses of the people who experienced revival. Why do you think the traditionalists reacted as they did.

When it came to the new methods of preaching, they were surprised because the new methods spread so quickly, and they thought that it wouldn't spread so fast across the colonies. They thought the preachers agreed that the original way of preaching was the only right way to preach.

The reaction to the people's passionate responses was due to the same reason they were taken aback by the new methods of preaching. They thought the Awakening wouldn't spread too far, yet the exact opposite happened.

A Few Trinkets

In a remarkable transaction, the Dutch West India Company bought what is now Manhattan-all 22,000 acres- for the Native Americans living there for a few trinkets worth about $24. Imagine that you are a journalist present during the transaction, and write a short article about it.

The Manhattan Transaction
By Benyamin Soto

When the Dutch West India Company bought Manhattan for a few trinkets, I was shocked. That transaction is unfair in so many ways. First of all, a few trinkets isn’t worth anything! Even a Indian should know that. Second, the island of Manhattan is worth MUCH more than a few trinkets.

If you knew what happened, you’d be as shocked as I was. The Company and the Manhattan Indians met, they talked a bit, and the Indians, having a weak sense of monetary value, picked 6 trinkets: A small wooden bicycle, a nutcracker, a toy boat, a little rhinoceros, a wooden doll, and a toy bird. They then signed the papers, as did Peter Minuit, president of the Company. Then all left the room. Little did the Indians know that those trinkets were old and breaking.

I feel sorry for those Indians, and mad at Mister Minuit.

Other Life in the Universe

What is your opinion about the possibility of life on other planets? Do you need to see it to believe it, or do you believe that in a universe as vast as ours, alien life must exist? Write on the topic, beginning with the sentence,

I believe (don’t believe) there is life on other planets because…

I believe there is life on other planets because with so many stars, one has to have a planet that can support life orbiting around it. How did the Chinese build their magnificent stone wall without the tools to build them. They had to have help, most likely from some sort of alien life form that had the tools necessary to build them. How did the Mayans build their pyramids? They had to have help from aliens, because they couldn’t have built those pyramids without the right tools, and they didn’t have the right tools! Nor did they have the right workforce. From my knowledge, the Mayan empire was small, so they had to have had a small amount of people.

We may never know if there is other intelligent life forms, but we learn in my lifetime.

The Center of the Earth

Imagine that you know nothing about science. As such a person, what do you think is at the center of the Earth? Come up with a few theories.

At the center of the Earth, there are dinosaurs and other prehistoric creatures. There are cavemen and there are ancient astronauts. There are giant mice and very tiny whales. The trees are underwater and the corral is on land. The canyons at the base go up and away, while the mountains are quite the opposite.

There is lots of water, in fact, 89% of it is under water! Most of the land is tropical. There are no Arctic regions, but rather cold forests. There is 1 small desert.

Of course, where does all that magma come from? I think every time there is a volcanic eruption, lava floods the place and thus destroys everything. The hour after the eruption finishes, everything grows back in place.

Monday, May 17, 2010

The Friday of my Sleepover

Last Friday was a fun Friday. First we went to Show Low to get supplies for smore’s and hot dog supplies. Then we went on a dirt road to get some rocks for our fire pit. On the way we encountered a pile of snow. Dad plowed through it like a maniac. I think I had a heart attack. We encountered more obsticles, such as small trees and rocks. On the way back, we got stuck in the snow. Mom decided to shovel through it. So Dad started digging away at the snow. Finally we got out of the snow.

When we got home, I fixed my room up and went outside. We had to pitch tents for my sleepover. I pitched my tent (With, of course, help from my Mom and Dad) and fixed the poles for Mom and Dad’s tent. Then I ran over to my friend Josh’s place to see if he was home. He wasn’t, but his dad was. I told him that he could tell Josh that our sleepover site was ready. About a half-hour later, Josh came over to my place. We got our tent all ready for the night, and before dinner, we played. That night we had hot dogs roasted on the fire. Josh had his with spicy mustard and ketchup. I had mine with everything but yellow mustard. I don’t know what my parent had on their’s.

Then me and Josh played a bit more, got some toys and paper, and hit the sack. We stayed up about until 1:00 am. That when I fell asleep. Josh probably fell asleep at around 1:30 am.

That was last Friday, the day of my first sleepover. Josh was quite happy about being the first person to sleepover at my house.

Not One Community, but Many

Some of the first colonies in North America were founded by people looking for a place to practice their religion freely. But instead of creating one large community open to all faiths, the first settlers created a number of different religious communites. Why do you think this happened?

I think that people thought their religion was the true religion, and that they didn’t want to be around people who thought differently, and also they wanted different laws based on their religion, and no one could agree with anyone else.

A War Against the Native Americans

During the Pequot War, American settlers burned a Native American village. The fire killed hundreds of Native Americans, including women and children. Imagine you are a survivor of this fire who lives in the devastated village. Write an account of what happened.

It all started a few days ago. We were hunting, then Squalem, a young boy, came yelling to us “The white men are invading!” Then he got shot with a arrow on the arm. When we got to the village, we removed the arrow and treated his wounds, including the wounds he keeps getting from walking in the forest. Then a white man came and said “I will burn down this village UNLESS you Indians surrender!” He was really angry. When we didn’t comply to his demands, he threw the torch at the elder’s home and left in a hurry.

The fire spread around the village very fast. Faster then the wind’s running. Faster than a snake’s slithering. Since we have lots of trees in the village, the fire was super powerful and super hot! We ran away from the village to the forest and then to the seashore, where we would probably be safe.

When we got back, all was gone expect for the elder. She was standing in the fire ring, where the fire didn’t burn. Her deerskin clothing was covered in soot, as was the rest of her. She said “A young boy, Squalem, helped me escape. He did a great deed, and I rewarded him with a relic; My great-grandmother’s necklace. He is now out in the forest, examing the dead trees and plants, and observing the damage of the white men.”

I hope these white men don’t burn down any more villages. Hundreds of innocent lives were lost.

Native American

Who was Squanto, and what is he remembered for?

Squanto was a Patuxet Indian who helped the Pilgrims survive in New England. He taught them to plant corn, beans, and maize. He was the only survivor of the Patuxet after their demise around 1619. He was critical to the Pilgrim’s survival. He helped start the holiday Thanksgiving. He died in 1622. Some people think that he was poisoned by the Indians because they thought Squanto betrayed them. His real name was Tisquantum.

My Own Private Utopia

A utopia, according to Webster’s dictionary, is “any place or state of ideal perfection.” One person’s utopia might be a country where discrimination does not exist and all lifestyles are tolerated. Another person’s utopia might be a huge city full of clubs, theaters, and restaurants. What is your idea of utopia? If you could design the ideal society, what kind of laws would govern it? What would it look like? What kind of people would live there?

My utopia would be a city called Omegatopolis. It would look like a giant glass dome with a city inside. Right next to the gates would be what looks like store scanners with golden neon rings around them. If anyone brought in a weapon, they would have to show proof of purchase for the weapon, registration, and ID. If they couldn’t, then they would be kicked out of Omegatopolis.

Then you could go into Omegatopolis. It is a HUGE city. It is divided into sectors. Sector A is the residential part of the city. It contains houses, apartments, religious places, and schools. It is northeast of the Omega Sector. Sector B is mainly commercial. It contains lots of stores, clubs, restaurants, 5 theaters, etc. It is to the northwest of the Omega Sector. Sector C is industrial. It contains factories, warehouses, and power plants. It is to the southeast of the Omega Sector. Sector D is recreational areas. It has golf and country clubs, parks, trails, etc. It is to the southwest of the Omega Sector.

The Omega Sector is a political area. It contains the city hall, senate building, voting area, and voicing area. It is a major area of the city.

Everyone could live there. If you can work in the city, you can live in the city for free.
Of course, you would still need to pay for food and such.

Laws that would govern the city would be:

Zero crime tolerance
No one entering or leaving the city can bring a weapon of mass destruction, such as an A-bomb, dynamite, etc.
Slavery is illegal.
Discrimination is illegal

The laws go on and on! You need 1 and a half Constitutions to fit in all the laws.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

If I Were in Charge

Most families set rules for their children, especially regarding behavior and responsibility. Which rules do you find particularly annoying? Do you long to stay out later, go out more, or dress anyway you like? Write about the rules you consider most unfair.

I don’t find many rules unfair, just annoying.

First rule I find annoying: If I go over to a friend’s house, I have to be home 30 minutes before dinner. And usually, if I go to friend’s house, I’m not even hungry!

Second rule I find annoying: When we go out, I can’t wear dark clothes. Very annoying. Half of my wardrobe is dark clothing. This can cause problems when I need to pick out a outfit, especially a winter outfit.

Third and final rule I find annoying: I have to go to and get out of bed at certain times. In the morning, all I want to do is sleep. At night, all I want to do is anything but sleep! I don’t like this rule. I think I’m nocturnal.

Those are the rules I find annoying. I’m pretty sure other kids agree with me.

To Be Great

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. once said,

"Everyone has the power for greatness, not fame, but greatness, because greatness is determined by service."

Do you agree that everyone has the potential for greatness? Maybe you think serving others isn't what makes someone great; if that's the case, what do you think are the are the qualifying features of greatness?

Yes and no to the first question. Greatness is determined by service and passion. In order to be great, you need passion. So you could be the best chef in the world, but without passion, you're not even 1% great! Dr. King was half right, because he forgot to mention passion also makes greatness. If nobody took passion in their work, nobody would be great. Passion and service make greatness in a person.

There is only one way to become great. Be passionate in your work. If you aren't passionate, well, no good will come out of it.

Forced to Eat Dogs

The first permanent English settlement in North America was Jamestown, Virginia. The condition were bad: settlers clashed with Native Americans and, once the food ran out, were forced to eat rats, mice, dogs, and cats. Imagine you are a settler dealing with these troubles. Write a letter to your family back in England describing your situation.

Dear Family,

Conditions in Jamestown are horrific. We have a hard time just staying alive!

It all started when we were attacked by the Indians. They stole most of our food and, as a result, are starving us to death. We are forced to eat dogs, cats, and rodents. This is not exactly conditions someone would call “prosperous”.

When the winter came, many people died of starvation and from the cold. We are not doing well. Thankfully, we are becoming skilled hunters and are starting to move on to big game. Sadly, we cannot catch a deer if our lives depended on it. And they do depend on it.

I’m worried for the sake of my people. The Native Americans are ruthless, cold-hearted barbarians that care only for themselves. We were just peaceful settlers trying to survive. Now, we are desperate for help. If it weren’t for religious constraints, I’d move back to England. But Jamestown is the only place I can practice my beliefs.

I hope you get this and that we don’t get wiped out.


Trader on the Coast

Imagine you are a trader aboard a ship that is traveling the Triangle Trade route. Create a journal entry that describes a stop on the African coast. Include details about the goods you traded there and the people with whom you traded.

December 31, 1599

As I’ve stated before, I’m a merchant on the ship India. I’m over on the African coast, in the port city of Nouakchott. My ship is carrying a brown goo-like substance made from the sugar-cane. It will be used to make rum.

We are currently trading with a man named Salque Albinwa. In return for the brown substance, he will give us slaves to bring back to the West Indies. Then, when we get there, we will send them to the colonies and then they will get auctioned off to the highest bidder. They know that many families will be broken up, yet they don’t care. If I were them, I would send them into the Slave Protection Program, at least, if there was something like that.

Salque will also give us money. There are lots of big bills to spend and even more to pay off. In another words, he’s giving us money to pay off those bills that are just stacking up.

Anyways, I’m done writing for now. I hope that one day, slavery will end. Oh, and you’re probably wondering why I took this job. The reason is I can’t find another job to do.

That’s the end of this year. Tomorrow is the beginning of the 17th century, and I’ll be writing again then.

God, Gold, and Glory

During the Age of Discovery, European adventurers explored North America.
Some historians say that these men were driven by God, gold, and glory.

What do you think historians mean by this?

These men were driven by God because in their old country, they couldn’t practice their religion, but in America, there was nobody to tell them what to believe. They thought of America as a chance for freedom.
They were driven by gold because people heard there was gold in America, so everyone thought “Hey, we could become rich!”. Sadly, nobody found gold until 1848.
Finally, they were driven by glory because they thought claiming land and finding gold would bring them lots of fame and glory. People who claimed land got glory, but again, nobody found gold until 1848, after the Age of Discovery.

“Discovering” America

Christopher Columbus is often credited with “discovering” America, although the land he discovered was already inhabited. Imagine that you are one of the Native Americans who was living in North America when Columbus arrived. You later learn that he has taken credit for the “discovery” of your home. Write a response to his claim.

Here goes:

Columbus did not discover my home. Many moons ago, my ancestors came from the north and settled in my land. They crossed the sea and lived here for many moons. Then those devilish white men came and took my land! They claimed it was discovered by them.

I say that Columbus is a big, infatuated liar. He knows if people already live there, then its already been discovered, yet he insists he discovered it!

That’s what I would say if I was a Native American. If somebody said they discovered my home, and took all the credit, I’d be pretty ticked off.

If I Could Meet…

If you could meet anyone, alive or dead, who would it be? Consider scientists, entertainers, world leaders, artists, writers, people in your family, and so on. Make a list of questions you’d like to ask this person.

I would like to meet Albert Einstein. The questions I would ask are:

Based on your theory of wormholes, wouldn’t you need enough negatively-charged particles on one side to attract the positively-charged particles on the other side and visa versa?

What did you do at the patent office in Bern?

Who was your teacher(s) at your college?

When did you come up with your theory about wormholes?

Can you explain quantum physics to me in the simplest terms?

What is your “theory of relativity” based on?

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

About My Name

Many names have special meaning or history. For example, the name Hannah means “favor” or “grace”. The name Vito means “life”.

Write about your own name. Who named you? What does your name mean? Does it have a special ethnic or religious significance? Are you named after someone in your family? If you could change your name, would you?

My name is Benyamin. My name is variation of the Hebrew name Benjamin. It means “Son of my Right Hand (Favorite Son)”. My name has ethnic significance in the fact my mom and dad wanted me to be named Benjamin, but wanted our Danish relatives to be able to pronounce it correctly. I am named after my great-grandfather DuBose and my Danish uncle Benny. Although Benyamin is a good name, people keep screwing it up and say “Benjamin” instead. I would change my name to something that people can’t mix up, like “Kyle” or “Alex”. Then again, my Dad says that people can screw up something as simple as “Jim”.

Code of Chivalry

King Arthur of the Round Table is a heroic figure of English legend. Arthur and his knights were said to live by a set of beliefs known as the Code of Chivalry. A few rules of the code include:

Live one’s life so that it is worthy or respect and honor.
Live for freedom, justice, and all that is good.
Be polite and attentive.
Never betray a confidence or a comrade.
Protect the innocent.

Come up with a modern Code of Chivalry. Write a list of a least 10 things people should do today to make modern society more chivalrous-that is, more considerate and courteous.

Here is my Code of Chivalry, the Code of Courtesy:

Help out anyone you can, whenever you can.
Respect your elders.
Do not lie.
Do not belch or fart in public, unless absolutely necessary.
Say “Yes, sir” or “Yes, ma’am” and “No, sir” or “No, ma’am” when your parents ask a question.
Care for the sick or injured.
When people are talking or listening to something, do not make a big racket.
Say “Please” and “Thank you” whenever possible.
Do not intentionally hurt or harm a living being, especially if you are a intelligent being.
Do not steal.

I hope if people follow this code, they will become more courteous.

Time Traveler

If you could go anywhere in the world, at any time in the past or future, where and to what time would you go? What would you want to see, and whom would you want to meet? Explain.

I would want to go to my birthplace, Carbondale, Illinois, 1 million years into the future. I would want to see the exact same spot where my house was (Which was 2110 Partridge Lane. How I know this is that it is on a pencil case I own) and the hospital in which I was born. Then I would know what the future would look like for my previous home. I would want to meet whomever were running the USA, if the USA still even exists! I would also like to meet my descendants. I would want to know if I would be a successful man, or if I would end up on the streets. I would also like to meet the rulers of all the countries at the time.

Five Senses, Minus One

Most people are born with five senses-sight, hearing, touch, taste, and smell. If you had to give up one sense for the rest of your life, which would you pick, and why?

I would give up smell, because not all smells are good. For example, a certain dog we know, I won’t mention any names (Nap-o-le-on) doesn’t smell very nice. Neither does my Dad’s shoes. That’s what Dad would call “ripe”. Smell is the least important sense, as you don’t need to smell. Good smells, however, are sort of addicting, so it would sometimes suck to lose your sense of smell. I would hate to be not able to smell my mom’s cooking, especially her pork chops with orange marmalade. But still, I would rather lose smell than, oh, lets see, sight or hearing. Taste would also be one I would love to keep. Touch is another. So it’s a fair bet between smell and smell. Since it’s the same choice for both of them, I’m going to go with smell.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

A Star is Born

If you were allowed to star in the movie of your choice, what kind of movie would you choose? Pick out your co-stars, your shooting location, and your wardrobe. Include, if you like, your action sequences and the martial arts you’ll learn.

I would be in a movie based of my Super-Kid idea. My co-stars would be my friends Dakota Porter, Josh Bell, Cody, and Jared Porter. As for shooting location, I would probably shoot at Mt.Everest, and Carbondale, Illinois (For the scenes in the house), and also on a special set in a soundstage, and finally in Saguaro National Park. My wardrobe would consist of my super-hero out fit and clothes a normal kid would wear. Same for my friends. My action sequences would be the battle scenes and the scene where whomever is Fire-Girl is lost in space after a mission to destroy the bad guy goes wrong. I would have to learn karate if I wanted to act in the movie.

Journal May 7th - May 9th

May 7, 2010
Today we started to pack up for our little weekend vacation. We packed our camping gear, backpacks, books, drinks and food, and finally clothes. When we were ready, Dad started the car and we were off.

We got mail and also got some fuel (or as Dad calls it, go-go juice) for the van, and we drove to Show Low. It isn’t a terribly long drive from Eagar to Show Low. It’s only a 50-mile drive. For us, that’s short. Then again, we’ve done drives from Eagar to the East Coast. When we got to Show Low, we stopped at a big store called Wal-Mart. Most people I know stop there for food, probably because the local stores charge insane prices for food. Anyways, we got the stuff we needed there: hot dog buns, wieners (The sausage kind, not the dog kind), and condiments. We also got some hair care products, I think because we didn’t pack our shampoo.

Then we drove down to Globe. Sadly, in order to actually get to Globe, you need to pass through my least favorite stretch of land: Salt River Canyon. The reason I hate it so much is that it is all twisty and winding, and the roads are right at the edges of the canyon, so its easy to fall off the guardrail and go into the canyon below. Rule number 1 of travel: If your traveling through Salt River Canyon, never, EVER eat Beefy 5-Layer Burritos from Taco Bell, especially 1 and a half of those burritos. I’m lucky I didn’t barf! You can probably tell what happened. Yes, I got carsick.

When we finished the annoying stretch of Route 60, we made it to Globe, a town with a lot of old brick buildings. We stopped by Frys to get camping chairs. When THEY didn’t have them, we went to Wal-Mart. Sure enough, they had camping chairs. Get this: Their max load was 125 pounds. None of my family is under 125 pounds. Heck, I’m over that weight!

Then we went to Roosevelt Lake. In order to camp there, we needed a Tonto Pass. Sadly, we didn’t have a Tonto Pass. So we couldn’t camp at Roosevelt Lake. We headed west to Phoenix, but on the way we passed by Roosevelt Dam. The bridge just east of it looked like a thing from a sci-fi show my Mom watches called “Stargate”. The thing it looked like was a Supergate. The dam was built incase a flood happened on the banks of the river. It was improved to withstand even bigger floods. While we were there, we met 2 Canadians. They say that the Canadians are the friendliest people in the Americas. If you don’t believe them, just run into those Canadians.

We then headed west on a dirt road. The area was beautiful! it’s a shame they didn’t actually pave the road. I said it would take away from the beauty. It’s so beautiful there you can’t describe it in words! When we got to Apache Junction, we headed north on the Loop 202. We headed to I-17. On the way, we stopped at a buffet called Golden Corral. They got new food, mainly meat, and I could’ve sworn someone was posing as Mom, because Mom ate a little too much meat. Mom isn’t a huge fan of meat, even though most of our dinners have meat in them. When we finished there, we headed north to Cottonwood. Now, at night, I don’t remember a lot, so this will be just a list: Got to Dead Horse Ranch near Cottonwood, looked for a campground, found one, paid, set up tent, made beds, fell asleep, end of day.

May 8, 2010
First thing I hear:
“’Their tent looks just like ours except it has like, a different shape and like, a different color, and like, a different size!’”

I knew it was Dad saying that, and I knew he was re-saying something because he changed his voice tone and he never says “Like, a different color”.

We started to pack up. Dad first deflated the air mattresses and put away the sleeping bags. Then we took down the tent. Finally, we checked out and went east on State Route 260. We passed through the towns of Strawberry and Pine, while making a quick stop in Strawberry to see the log schoolhouse. Strawberry School House is the oldest standing school in Arizona. It was pretty cool. I saw 2 binders: one for Clifton “Tuffy” Peach and one for Edith Peach. When we got out of there, we passed through Tonto Natural Bridge State Park. We went on 3 hikes. The first was on the Pine Creek trail. Sadly, I couldn’t cross on one part of the trail, as it was too dangerous. So we went on the Anna Mae trail. It connects onto the Pine Creek trail, so it was the perfect trail. We went to see the bridge, so we had to jump from boulder to boulder. But when we got there, we actually had to scoot across an edge. But the edge was too dangerous, so we turned back. On the way back, I slipped on a rock and fell into the water. I was yelling “Can’t swim! Can’t swim!”
Dad had to rescue me. I was panicking a little after the unexpected swim. We went back up the Anna Mae trail. At the sign, we saw a Arizona Black rattlesnake. Cool, huh?

We then went on the Waterfall trail. It led us to a waterfall. I got under it and got soaked, again. We headed up to Show Low after that, then we went to Wal-Mart to go meat-and-onion soup-shopping. We headed back home to Eagar. Since we didn’t have hot dogs on Friday, we fired up the barbecue and put on the hot dogs and buns. When that was done, I got drinks and we went inside the living room to eat. I had mine with pretty much everything: relish, ketchup and mustard. Delicious! If you read my blog post “Secret Camera” then you might have an idea of how much I love hot dogs. The only things that can beat it are shrimp, pizza, and steak. After that, I played on my computer a little, took a shower, and went to bed.

May 9, 2010
Today was Mother’s Day, so I had to force myself awake. I got dressed and followed Dad to the kitchen. Dad said we were making scrambled eggs and toast. I made the toast while Dad made the eggs. We do well cooking together. When we finished, I got a table and a Coca-Cola and we went into the bedroom. I was impersonating fanfare, and Mom said, and I quote, “Thank you so much!*takes a bite*Great eggs!*takes a bite of the toast*Mmm. Who made this toast?” I said I made the toast and she said “Wow! It’s actually lightly toasted! Did you mess around with the dial?” I said no, that it was just preset to that. After that, while Dad was making breakfast for us, Mom and I were playing the organ. Both my Mom and my Dad have musical talent, but in different fields. My mom likes to play the organ and the recorder, while my Dad plays guitar. I like the drums and the organ, but I can make a racket with a guitar. A very bad racket, may I add.

After Dad and I had breakfast, we went outside to work on Mom’s “miniature farm”.
Dad had to dig up the ground, and I had to follow him and pick the grass and weeds out of the ground he turned over. I saw a few grubs, and I thought they were maggots. Yuck!
After we did that, Mom and I got some wooden poles and brought them into the backyard. Then we dug holes for the poles to fit in. Afterwards, We put in the poles and filled back in the dirt. Dad got chicken-wire and we tied it to the fence and poles using clothes twine and metal wire. We bound the 2 pieces of chicken wire together, and then we put in extra poles. Mom then finished up a day’s planting, so she watered them.

Since we finished for the day, we went back inside. I called up my best friend Josh, but his dad told me that he had school stuff to do. So I got on my computer and started working on my sprite movie. I have an idea for a Sonic/Mario crossover, and I think it would do well on YouTube. But enough of this. Then we ate dinner. Today on the menu: salad! Then I moved my computer into the living room and watched Stargate with my parents. I took yet another shower and then went to bed.
Well, that’s the end of my journal for this time. I hope you like it!

Monday, May 10, 2010

Secret Camera

Suppose you’ve been given an invisible camera. You can put it anywhere in the world-the Oval Office, the teacher’s lounge, a movie star’s apartment-and see what happens. Where would you put such a camera?

I would put such a camera in a cooking school. The reason for that is that I would LOVE to learn to cook. The problem is I can’t go to cooking school because I’m only 9 years old! I would preferably like to learn how to make pizza, hot dogs, and steak, of course, not in the same meal, at the same time.

Monday, May 3, 2010

The Common Shakespeare

Shakespeare had an enormous working vocabulary; he used about 29,000 different words in his plays and poems. (By contrast, most people today have working vocabularies of only 9000 words.) Many people think of Shakespeare’s language as difficult to understand, but he invented many words and phrases we use nearly every day.
Below are some common phrases from Shakespearean plays. Choose one phrase, and explain what you think it means.

Apple of her eye
Eating me out of house and home
Good riddance
Green-eyed monster
All the world’s a stage
To thine own self be true
Tower of strength
Wear my heart on my sleeve

I picked the phrase “Good riddance”. I think it means the same as “I never want to see you again!”.